[Post Game Thread] The Boston Celtics (1-0) defeat the Golden State Warriors (0-1), 120-108
[–]BucksDrunkBucksFan 3385 points 2 hours ago*
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a team flip a switch like how the Celtics did in the 4th quarter.
At least not in the Finals lol.
雄鹿球迷:我从未见过有哪支球队能像绿军这样在第四节突然打开开关。至少在总决赛是闻所未闻。[–]CelticsiAmTheRealLange 620 points 3 hours ago
And they did it without Tatum making a shot
[–]NuggetsKittenSquish 1004 points 2 hours ago
Prime warriors 3rd quarter type switch
[–][BOS] Shaquille O'Nealuncre8ive 679 points 2 hours ago
They had us in the 3rd not gonna lie
[–]76ersunexpectedvillain 458 points 2 hours ago
Tbf he's play making was terrific
勇士:叫救护车啊 三秒后 我给自己叫。
[–][SAC] DeMarcus CousinsSolarClipz 3302 points 3 hours ago
Celtics somehow became the best 3 point shooting team in history for these playoffs
[–][POR] Eric MaynorBlazeBloom 1750 points 2 hours ago
Not bad for a team with zero Finals experience.
开拓者球迷:对于这支0总决赛经验的球队来说,打成这种表现真不赖。相关新闻>>>勇凯两队总决赛经验比为123对0 创自97年来最大差距纪录
[–]GrizzliesKarstaagly 2379 points 2 hours ago2
They got their experience in the first three quarters and used it to win in the fourth.
[–]CelticsyupitsGoV 738 points 2 hours ago
That’s some NBA expert level analysis right there
[–]CelticsJorah72 493 points 3 hours ago
Steph curry realizing other players can shoot 3s
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