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[Post Game Thread] The Golden State Warriors defeat the Dallas Mavericks to take a 1-0 series lead in the Western Conference Finals, 112-87
[赛后贴] 金州勇士112-87击败达拉斯独行侠,西决大比分1-0领先
[–]OverusedRedditJoke 1590 points an hour ago
Leading rebounder Steph Curry
[–][OKC] Steven AdamsDeadDay 85 points 2 hours ago
As we all expected
[–]USAZionephewObeseiamson 621 points an hour ago*
Stephon Looney
[–]TheRed_Knight 194 points an hour ago
Steph took over GPII's role as the micro center
[–]WarriorsPowerofboners 132 points an hour ago
For his size he's always been pretty good at grabbing boards
[–]Minneapolis Lakersrawchess 92 points an hour ago
Stephen "Shaq with delusions of shooting ability" Curry
[–]SupersonicsFatMittens 93 points an hour ago
He’s slowly turning into Shaq with the missed FTs and increased boards
[–][NYK] Baron Davisthemariokarters 936 points 3 hours ago
That was a fast game, like 2 hours flat
[–]WarriorsIMovedYourCheese 524 points 3 hours ago
Wasn't a FT fest, which is nice. And half of the 4th quarter was garbage time, which wrapped up quick.
[–]WarriorsSrikkk 819 points 3 hours ago
Everyone stepped up today. Can’t ask for more than that.
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[–]Warriorsgeeky_username 397 points 3 hours ago
Papa Kerr is back
[–]Warriorsbl123123bl 1064 points 3 hours ago*
Kerr calling a review while up 30 just to prove Poole right was hilarious
勇士球迷:领先30分,科尔挑战,只为证明普尔没有错,这犊子护得太搞笑了 普尔质疑裁判误判被吹T 科尔挑战成功 但普尔T不取消
[–]LakersJilJungJukk 229 points 3 hours ago
Whenever he gets to 17-19 pts I automatically assume he ain’t gonna score anymore
[–]WarriorsIMovedYourCheese 228 points 3 hours ago
Guy got 17 in the first half and ended the game with 19. He will literally not put in unpaid overtime lmao.
[–]WarriorsSalty_Pancakes 135 points 3 hours ago
Unless you're Minnesota, then he'll drop 30 on you.
[–]reddev87 1120 points 3 hours ago
Dubs cannot lose now that 17pt Wiggins has ascended to 19pt Wiggins. Not that the Mavs were gonna beat a CP3-less Warriors squad anyways.
[–]Raptors-vinay 244 points 3 hours ago
Apparently you can guard Luka. You just need to be Andrew Wiggins
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[–]WarriorsYDS696969 317 points 3 hours ago
Wiggins putting in work for the first Magic Johnson trophy.
[–]BucksDrunkBucksFan 1228 points 2 hours ago
Only 2 short years and I’m back to watching the Warriors steamroll the West…
[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 329 points 2 hours ago
At least KD isn't there so they are kind of fun to watch when they're not butchering your team
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