雄鹿工作人员:我们二当家也因伤缺阵 希望去年的质疑者记住这点

2022-03-03 14:00:23      编辑:极速直播吧
雄鹿工作人员:我们二当家也因伤缺阵 希望去年的质疑者记住这点

5月16日讯 雄鹿抢七不敌凯尔特人,本赛季止步东部半决赛。

据名记Brian Windhorst报道,当雄鹿踏上本赛季最后一趟航班时,有球队的随队人员私下说:有人因为上赛季球队夺冠历程中对手的伤病而怀疑雄鹿冠军的成色,他们应该记住,雄鹿在缺少第二个球星的情况下输掉了这场比赛。

原文:As the Bucks headed off to their last team flight of the season, a few members of their traveling party whispered of some who didn't give the team full credit for its championship last season because of a number of injuries to other teams during the playoffs -- and that those skeptics ought to remember the Bucks lost this one without their second star.